On Line conference
Зустріч із абітурієнтами: про навчання в Чехії! Розповімо про ВНЗ та напрямки навчання Чеські університети пропонують великий вибір навчальних... »
Interview with Hang Thuy Luong
Hang Thuy Luong came to study to the Czech Republic from Vietnam and became a student of Mendel University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Tourism management.Hello Hang Thuy Luong! Why did you decide to go to the Czech Republic?Mainly due to personal reasons, my... »
Study in Czech Republic in English
For those who want to pursue higher education in the Czech Republic, but do not want to learn Czech, we offer a number of English majors. In contrast to the teaching in the Czech language, English-language training in Czech universities is carried out on a fee basis, both in... »
Summer with Czech language!
Dear senior pupils and students!We are glad to represent our new educational programme – Summer with Czech language!The main aim of this programme is to familiarize all comers with the basis of Czech language, Czech culture and traditions, modern life. Te course will... »