Apartament in Brno

Accomodation in Brno
Apartament in Brno
logoThe "apartment for a student." program

Many parents sending their child to study in the Czech Republic, are concerned the amount that has to spend each year to live in a dorm or in a rented apartment in Brno. For clarity, we consider the most common options:
Option 1 - Traditional
As a rule, coming to learn, the student becomes a tenant in choice locations in the dorm rooms in the apartment, the apartment. Depending on the quality of housing, living expenses can range from 130 to 250 € per month. That is a year living costs are on average from 1560 to 3000 €.

Option 2 - Investment
The cost of one-bedroom apartments average price category in Brno is about 70,000 €.
Rent this apartment four students is at 170 euros per person per month.
In our case, given the fact that one lives in the apartment of the four - the owner, his income from the lease is 170 * 3 = 510 € per month. Utility bills average for stays of up to 4 people 150 euros / month. Property profits amount to 510 - 150 = 360 € per month plus free accommodation.

Option 3 - Investment Mortgage.

If equity is not enough to buy real estate, we will help to attract a loan.
In this case, our calculation is as follows: up to 30% of the price (21 000 €) will still have to pay their own expense, the cost of servicing the loan in the Czech Republic are usually from 3.5 to 6%.

For example, a loan of 4% to 70% of the purchase price 70 000 €, for 20 years, the monthly payment of the loan amount: 300 €.

That is at the disposal of the owner remains 510-150-300 = 60 € per month plus free accommodation in a comfortable environment.

Selection made by the company owner ESMI sro. www.esmi.cz

© EuroEducation, 1.06.2012
Update: 09.09.2013
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